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Basil, Coconut & Chilli Ice Cream



Recipe Type


Suitable for Vegetarians



  • 1 Green chilli, halved length ways
  • 300ml Whole milk
  • 250ml Coconut Cream
  • 30g Basil (including stalks)
  • 4 Egg yolks
  • 100g Sugar

Cooking Instructions

  1. Add chilli to milk & coconut cream into a saucepan.
  2. Simmer for 10 minutes, then strain & set aside.
  3. Blitz basil until smooth paste Beat egg yolks & sugar until thick & creamy.
  4. Combine beaten egg & sugar mix with basil paste.
  5. Slowly add milk mixture to the combined egg-basil mixture over low heat until it coats the back of a wooden spoon. DO NOT BOIL.
  6. Cool completely & add cream mixture to ice cream maker or alternatively into a plastic container. Stirring every 20 minutes until frozen.
  7. Serve with strawberries & grated chocolate.